Verification of a company on several parameters - CIN, incorporation details, registered address, authorized/paid-up capital.
Gathering details on the charge created by a company on its assets and properties, present and future, in favor of a financial institution
Finding information on present and past directorship of the company’s directors and details on the previous directors of the company
Verification of details related to a company’s financials such as Balance sheet, Profit and Loss statement, Capital structure, Financial Ratios.
Collection of information on shareholders and the number of shares held by each of them to understand shareholding related risks.
Verification of businesses related to the researched company, including holding companies, subsidiaries, joint ventures and the companies.
We use the latest technology to verify the public records of the person. With the help of our public database.
The process of due diligence is something that the buyer conducts to confirm the accuracy of the seller’s claims.
adverse records like credit defaulters, criminal & civil litigation, bankruptcy filings of the director's & company
Verify if a legally differentiating insignia, phrase or symbol denoting a product or service by an organisation is owned by that organisation
Insightful and exhaustive research for FAQ mentions under the name of an organisation, its directors and top management
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